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Writer's pictureNana Boatemaa Sem-Danso

Drones, Technology and This New Africa.

Technology and technology companies have not always been the best with matters of inclusion and diversity. And this can be seen with the big 4 tech companies, Google, Amazon Facebook and Apple being heavily under represented by people of colour. Based on a recent diversity report by Sara Harrison (link below) the share of black technical workers at Apple is currently 6% as at 2019. These statistics are alarming and disheartening when taken into consideration that the technology revolution is creating more millionaires and billionaires than the world has ever seen.

As we have entered into a new decade we must usher in new solutions and ideas to solve our old problems. Technology has and always will be the key to solving problems and this cannot be overstated when it comes to drone technology. Drones have limitless applications and usefulness in various sectors is sure to set the African continent ablaze and disrupt many industries. The recent African Drone Forum in Rwanda was a testament to that.

Us Africans must be at the forefront of this tech revolution. We must seize this opportunity and capitalize on it in a way that will expedite development on the continent, create jobs for the budding youth and most importantly create generational wealth for years to come. We must pull ourselves by the boot straps and embrace drones wholeheartedly. The African continent is ripe and ready, and the youth must act fast and become market leaders in the space.

Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. Truer words have never been spoken with respect to the problems of Africa and the way forward for the continent. This passive nonchalant attitude that has created a lot of our problems has to be changed. I believe the agents of change are us, my generation. So let us embrace technology, let us embrace this new responsibility and let us rise up to the call. Let us show the world that Africa can and will be a force to be reckoned with on the Global stage. #TINA #THISNEWAFRICA

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